Kings Cup Drinking Game is the most popular and entertaining gaming within small gatherings, parties, or other gatherings. Playing this game through proper rules can break the silence in the entire space and enjoy.
This article gives you a detailed guide to the rules for playing this game and making your time memorable and enjoyable.
The drinking game King’s Cup is also known as Circle of Death, Ring of Fire, or Kings in the United States.
There are many types of rules for playing this game, but we will give you and guide you on the best way to play it because you may be drunk while playing it.
What is the Kings Cup?
Kings Cup is a drinking game that is played through a deck of cards between groups of 4 to 12 people which will be available.
This game brings people together and breaks the silence, many times this game solves the problems or misunderstandings between the husband and wife or two friends.
Outline For Kings Cup Drinking Game
Kings Cup drinking game is made for playing between people with drinks where the people sit round the table and a large cup placed center at the table which is named Kings Cup.
This gameplay is through a deck of cards and each card has its separate rules or action which entertain people.
Origins of Drinking Game Kings Cup
This game is popular among college students and starts from the colleges.
While the exact origin of this game is unknown we can say this game was started from the colleges but later it was also popular in house parties or small functions.
How to Set Up Kings Cup
The setup of King’s Cup is very easy and simple which is explained in the below para.
What You Will Need
- First of all, you will need a deck of cards which is standard It means If your card is waterproof then it is well and good.
- Besides this, you will also need a King’s Cup which is a large cup or bowl for keeping in the centre of the table.
- As you already know this is a drinking game so you will need to drink which is alcoholic or non-alcoholic according to your preference.
- And then you need a group of players which are between 4 to 12.
So if you have all these things then you can easily play this mind-blowing and entertaining game.
Setup Steps of Kings Cup Game
- First of all, you should place the king’s cup (large cup or bowl) in the center of the table.
- Spreads all cards in a circle.
- Your drinks should be ready for instant action according to the king’s cup rules.
- Decide an order to play the game which can be clockwise or anticlockwise.
Kings Cup Rules
In this drinking game, each cards have its separate rules or actions which are explained in the paragraph below.
Card Rules
There are 13 different types of cards in a deck and each card shows enjoyable action or rules and these rules and action make this game more entertaining and memorable.
So let’s break the rules and silence through these cards
Ace: Waterfall
When the ace card is drawn then everyone starts drinking in a sequence but not in a simple way. So let’s break the way of drinking.
Rules: The person who draws the ace card starts drinking and then which person sitting on the left or right starts drinking this flow carries on in order but after which person you start drinking you can’t stop until they not stop drinking.
This flow and order of drinking is called water flow in Kings Cup Rules.
2: You
This card is interesting for everyone because in this card you do not drink rather you can order any one player to drink.
This is the opportunity to tease your friend or whomever you want.
3: Me
The person who draws this card must take a drink according to the Kings Cup rules but you can customize these older rules for example:
- The person who draws this card takes a drink with another person.
- The drawer must take a drink or give a quick and truthful reply to the questions of the group person.
- In another variation, the drawer must take a drink twice or make rules that the drawer takes the whole drink in one go.
- In another variation, the drawer must take a drink but before dink, they perform a weird dance which is more ridiculous.
4: Floor
After drawing this card everyone touched the floor as quickly as possible but that person touched the floor last which must take a drink.
This is a different experience when suddenly everyone moving and touching the floor.
5: Guys
In general Kings Cup rules, after drawing this card all male players must drink but we can change this rule with another type of twist which is more interesting and explained in the variations section in the below para.
6: Chicks
This rule is just like guys’ rules but a minor difference, in this rule all female players must take drinks.
7: Heaven
When this card is drawn then every player who is involved in this game points to the sky.
8: Mate
Mate is your partner in the whole game So when drawing this card you and your mate drink and at the end of the game whenever you drink then your mate also takes a drink.
9: Rhyme
This card is very interesting which person who drew this card gave a word then every person sounded the rhyme of that word which person failed to rhyme they took a drink. If all players sound rhyming words then another round opens until players fail to give rhyming words.
10: Categories
The person who draws this card thinks of a category and the other person gives names of things which is related to this category. Which person does not think any name they take a drink.
Jack: Never Have I Ever
This card is also very interesting for knowing the secret of your friends. In this Kings Cup rule, after drawing this card every player holds and stands their three-finger and tells about which things they do never.
Queen: Questions
After drawing this card, players start a chain of questions, and other players reply to that question with another question. If the player isn’t able to ask another question that is related to that person’s questions then they take dink.
When players draw this card in the last then they take the entire Kings Cup content.
Strategies and Tips
As you know, the Kings Cup game is a lucky and quick decision-making game If you delay making a decision then you can face a penalty in this game.
So, there are several strategies and tips for playing Kings Cup drinking games which are explained in the list below.
1. Pace Yourself
If you want to enjoy this game for a longer time then you should drink less and control yourself. If the beverage is alcoholic then this thing is more important for enjoyment.
2. Remember the Rules
If you can remember the rules of this game then you should be a step ahead of your partners and also game flow smoothly. If you are hosting these games then you can keep a rule in printable format.
3. Stay Alert
If you do not want to face a penalty then you should be alert especially when drawing Floor” and “Heaven.
4. Be Creative
If you think to game will be more fun then you should include rhymes or creative questions in this game. It means you should inject your sense of humor into this game.
5. Create Alliances
If you choose a creative and smart alliance that calls mate in this game then you should refrain from penalty.
Popular Variations of Kings Cup
You can add some variations to the Kings Cup rules to make this game more fresh and exciting. So there are several variations in this game that you can add to your game.
1. Themed Kings Cup
What It Is: When you add the theme according to your interest in the Kings Cup game then the game gives a fresh vibe and it makes it more interesting to play.
How It Works: If you add a theme according to your and your colleague’s interest then players easily connect with this game longer. You can choose a better theme like movies, holidays, or pop culture.
- If the theme of your gameplay is a movie then players quote movie lines in the gameplay.
- If the theme is based on holidays then the game players in all about holidays.
2. Kings Pyramid
You can arrange the cards in the pyramid section for a new and better experience and make a rule that which person draws cards from the upper rows faces harder challenges like more drinks.
- Base Row: You can set a rule for the base row which can be easier than other rows like take a sip of beverage.
- Middle Rows: You can set a medium challenge for this row which is harder than the base row and easier than the upper row.
- Top Row: You can set a high challenge and action for this row which is unharmful but more ridiculous and unique.
3. Deck Swap
You can keep two or more two decks and set different types of themes for each deck for example:
- First Deck: You can set a theme for the first deck like classic or professional-type themes.
- Second Deck: You can set another theme for the second deck which can be based on pop culture or any other.
- Third Deck: You can set another unique theme for this deck which is different from both for example you can introduce this deck like a penalty deck or wildcard for a better and unique experience.
For this setup, you will feel every round has brought an interesting experience and not look like same as the first or second round and the game becomes more enjoyable.
4. Non-Alcoholic Kings Cup
You can customize Kings Cup rules according to your environment. If you think of playing this game with the family or friendly then you can do this.
You can replace the alcoholic beverage with a non-alcoholic beverage or any kind of fun challenge, activities for example:
- Ace: You can replace waterfall rules with players clapping their hands together within a motion way.
- King: Draws the card and shares their weird story or secret stories with the all other players with the proof.
- Queen: Players must do a harmless dare or give a funny pose in front of respectful people.
- Jack: Set a rule that players sing a short song.
House Rules Inspiration
You can customize Kings Cup rules to make this game unforgettable and more personal. Adding your house rules not only makes the game more personal but also more surprising and gives a unique look that is liked by your groups.
- Reverse Waterfall: Generally the waterfall starts with the first person who draws the card but you can customize these rules according to your preference. You can change the rule and set the reverse waterfall.
- Silent Play: You can make the silent play rules for any specific card when the next will draw then break the silence. But if any player breaks the silence before another card draw then that player faces a special types of penalty.
- Double Trouble: You can customize Kings Cup rules when two players draw the same card then both players are on the floor together which the player fails to touch first and takes more drink.
Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them
There are most common mistakes are doable while playing this game.
- Forgetting Rules: People forget the Kings Cup rules during the playing. So you should keep a cheat sheet in a printable format for smoothly playing this game.
- Skipping Turns: Many times players forget their turns and then face a penalty in the game.
- Not Setting Boundaries: Before the starting game you should set boundaries or limits for drinking because of health concerns or the game carries on for longer.
- Not Alert During the Game: If you are not alert or less alert during the gameplay then you face a penalty because this game is a quick thinking and instant taking decision.
Final Thoughts On Drinking Game Kings Cup
Kings Cup Rules are very simple and interesting and I try also to explain Kings Cup rules in a very simple and interesting way. This game is all about quick thinking and instant decision-making.
So, this game is also beneficial for decision-making in life and makes it strong for facing challenges. So keep enjoying this game and bookmark this page for the Kings Cup rules and also share your experience after playing this game.
You can save our home page for the next time playing the game.
Is Kings Cup the same as Ring of Fire?
Yes, the Kings Cup drinking game is known as Ring of Fire or Circle of Death.
What are the rules for the card game Kings?
In the Kings game, there are separate rules or actions for each card in which players draw the card and follow the rules for that card.
Can I play Kings Cup without alcohol?
Yes, this depends on you and your partner players which beverages you like alcoholic or non-alcoholic.
What happens when the last King is drawn?
When the last king is drawn then which player draws the king will take the whole drink of this king’s cup.
How many players can play Kings Cup?
The players should be more than 4 and less than 12 for a better experience.
What do you do with the cards in the King’s Cup Drinking Game?
The cards are drawn in an order which can be clockwise or anticlockwise and each card has assigned its rules. So card is a medium for doing action or following the rules.
Can I customize the rules?
Yes, you can customize the rules according to your team’s preference.
What happens if someone skips their turn?
If someone skips their turn in this game then that player faces a penalty and the result is they take more drink.
Disclaimer: This article is only for informational purposes we do not insist on drinking. If your beverage is alcoholic then you should drink according to your capacity not drink more just winning the game.
If your age is below 21 and you are a citizen of the United States then you should not drink alcoholic beverages. If you are out of the U.S. then your legal age should be more than 18 for drinking.